Specifically, vitamins B6, C, and E have been proven to be the most powerful for boosting the immune system. CBD helps naturally stimulate the ECS, which means the body is even more quickly able to rebalance and return to its natural state. This also leads to a reduction in the fever, inflammation, and pain that can sometimes come with colds, flus, and other infections. It helps us stay comfortable while our body is under attack from all kinds of outside germs.

To understand how cannabinoids have any impact, we must look at how the brain processes them. It is beyond the scope of this review to provide any meaningful dosing recommendations for CBD or Δ9-THC.

The discovery of anandamide came from research into CB1 and CB2, as it was inevitable that our bodies produce a chemical internally that affects the EC receptors. CBD is CBD oil safe binds to the TRPV1 receptors that are located in both the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (outside the brain and spinal cord)7. These receptors are also known as the vanilloid and capsaicin receptors. They play an important role in maintaining homeostasis, perception of pain, and inflammation in their tissues. By binding to these receptors, CBD appears to have the potential to treat inflammation, pain, and even anxiety and depression.

The director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse has stated that CBD oil is safe, and recently the FDA approved CBD oil for use in children with epilepsy. About 20 percent of the population suffers from some form of anxiety. If you have anxiety, you may be looking for a new way to relax your body and mind.

Anxiety is the most commonly reported negative side effect of smoking marijuana. Between 20 and 30 percent of recreational users experience intense anxiety and/or panic attacks after smoking cannabis; however, some report anxiety only after not smoking cannabis for a prolonged period of time. Inexperience and use in an unfamiliar environment are major contributing factors to this anxiety.

Optimizing your medical use of cannabis may entail some experimentation. Meanwhile, as the science inches forward, CBD has become a pop-culture phenomenon.

Additionally, brain deterioration, including memory, will indirectly increase the oxygen content in the brain. Studies show that CBD is an antioxidant, which researchers believe can help reduce the issues from Alzheimer’s due to oxygen stress. Experts believe that the ability of CBD to assist with memory functioning comes from its promotion of healthier brain cells. This comes via the compound’s ability to encourage neuron growth as well as its links to the endocannabinoid system.

Broadly, CBD has demonstrated anxiolytic, antidepressant, neuroprotective antiinflammatory, and immunomodulatory benefits. CBD decreases the production of inflammatory cytokines, influences microglial cells to return to a ramified state, preserves cerebral circulation during ischemic events, and reduces vascular changes and neuroinflammation.

CBD is one of over eighty cannabinoids found in cannabis and its close (but non-psychoactive) relative, hemp. While other cannabinoids help to amplify the effects of CBD, it’s plenty effective on its own—CBD has been studied as an effective treatment for chronic pain, as well as a successful intervention for opioid withdrawal. However, if you live in a state where cannabis is fully legal (lucky you!), you should watch out for CBD products derived from marijuana.

Both cannabinoids naturally exist in cannabis plants in a broad range of proportions. Meanwhile, like the plant extracts mentioned above, CBD oil is a natural cannabis extract that has been shown in studies to help with memory loss. CBD in the form of tincture can also be used in aromatherapy and massage. CBD’s unique neurological health benefits could be the reason why some people see it as an appealing alternative remedy to help with memory loss. Results from previous scientific research and recent studies seem promising.