If weight loss is your goal, adding protein may be the single most effective change you can make to your diet. Research shows it can reduce cravings by 60%, boost metabolism by 80–100 calories per day, and help you eat up to 441 fewer calories per day .

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Choose fruit or vegetables instead of crisps, chocolate and other snacks that are high in sugar, salt and fat. Metabolism describes all the chemical processes that go on continuously inside the body to keep you alive and your organs functioning normally, such as breathing, repairing cells and digesting food. These processes need energy and the amount of energy required varies between individuals depending on factors such as body size, age, gender and genes.

Exercise is among the best things you can do to increase your chances of living a long, healthy life and avoiding disease. You can also try taking a fiber supplement like glucomannan. This is one of the most viscous dietary fibers, and studies suggest it can help with weight loss . The best way to get more fiber is to eat a lot of plant foods, including vegetables and fruit. Legumes keto bhb are also a good source, as well as some cereals, such as whole oats.

When you eat a lot of added sugar, the liver gets overloaded with fructose and is forced to turn it into fat . Losing abdominal fat, or belly fat, is a common weight loss goal. Many people need a snack in-between meals to maintain energy levels, especially if they have an active lifestyle.

How can I reduce my weight naturally

Some believe that this is the main process behind sugar’s harmful effects on health. It increases abdominal fat and liver fat, which leads to insulin resistance and various metabolic problems .

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One review study found that an additional 14 grams of fiber per day were linked to a 10% decrease in calorie intake and weight loss of around 4.5 pounds (2 kg) over 4 months . If you struggle with getting enough protein in your diet, a quality protein supplement – like whey protein — is a healthy and convenient way to boost your total intake.